Is it really ? Lets be honest - reality TV is here for a reason. Its entertainment and a platform to launch chefs, fashion designers, interior designers and/or anyone who is addicted to attention (ie. most of the girls on Rock Of Love Charm School, the "Housewives" ladies), to name a few. Reality TV and the blogs that come with them are brutal, and contestants on these shows need to have a thick skin going in, or they will crumble.
But if you are going to launch a new "character" on one of these reality shows - admit to that fact that you are doing it for "camera time". I find it disappointing when on "fallen contestants" websites and blogs, they constantly blame producers and editors for portraying them in a certain light. The material has to be there for the show to use it. Are they embarrassed and ashamed of the way they acted. Has an enormous mirror been held up to them? If there must be blame - why not split it. Half to the producers/editors and half to the contestant, themselves.
The support of mean-spirited and insecure behaviour on these shows by bloggers, is the most surprising to me. Comments are left commending them on their conduct. "Friends" and supporters leaving messages as to what a kind and talented person they really are, and how badly they were portrayed. Thats just plain sycophantical.
In the end, shows are won on merits rather than dismal personalities.