February 23, 2011

The Earthquake in New Zealand

New Zealand has had a time of it lately - the earthquake last September, the horrific mining disaster and now this........

Hello sweet abandoned blog and my wonderful, faithful readers - I've been away and didn't want my first post back to be about money. The money is not for me though - its for my homeland and the people of Christchurch. This is the first time in the history of New Zealand that a State of Emergency has been declared - tragically lives have been lost, hundreds are still trapped and the city itself is rubble.

Many people have asked me what's the best way to get donations to New Zealand and my suggestion is through the Red Cross.

So here's the link to the NZ Red Cross -

I truly appreciate anything that you can donate - I know times are tough but everything little bit helps.

Update: An official donation website has also now be set up here.


Lola said...

Will do - thanks for the web details.

Was in Christchurch exactly a year ago and am overwhelmed at the destruction we're all now seeing.


Michelle Trusttum said...

So Lovely - thanks for your kind words. I can tell your heart is in Christchurch at the moment. I hope everyone in your life is accounted for and safe.

We are dreading the list. Just four names have been released today - two babies 9mths and 5mths included.


La Belette Rouge said...

Thank you for the link. Are all of your loved ones safe? I have been thinking of you and your family. Sending all kinds of love good thoughts and now off to the REd Cross.xoxo

So Lovely said...

Hi there, thank you so much for your lovely comments. Everyone I know is safe but as Michelle so beautifully put it "my heart is in Christchurch at the moment". All I'm thinking about are those still unaccounted for.

What's been very enlightening in the last couple of days is who the really important people in my life are, the outpouring of love & concern from friends, business associates & acquaintances has been amazing - wanted to make sure that my loved ones are safe as they know I'm from New Zealand. Its human beings at their finest & seeing the reports from New Zealand, the citizens of Christchurch have been enveloped in the same support & concern and that makes me very happy.


Miss Whistle said...

I love your new masthead. I'm sorry I haven't visited in a bit.